Bloggers tips on how I juggle university, work and my blog.

Hey Guys, Today I want to do a helpful tip/discussion type post for you. One focused on how I juggle my book blog, my third year of university and my job. When I first thought about starting a blog I thought it would be really easy, in my head I just thought ‘Oh it’s just writing about the books I love…’.
What a shock that was. Blogging takes time, finding images, making headers, replying to comments, making posts etc there is a lot of work that goes into it. Now I’m in my third year of university and in all honesty I’m struggling a little bit because second year was hard but now the pressure is really on. Here are some little tips that I hope help you if you ever feel the way I do;

F O R G I V E     Y O U R S E L F

This one is the number one big rule. You missed a posting day? You didn’t reply to comments as fast as you would like? You haven’t posted in a week?
That’s all ok and I know that’s easier said than done right?
I’ve been there, I’ve beaten myself up about all the above. I always feel like I’m letting you down by not posting regularly or as often as others but now I’ve learnt that it’s ok for me to miss a day or even a week.

Forgive yourself for missing a day, don’t force yourself to post for the pure sake that you need to get something out there. I’ve done that before and you guys can probably tell my heart isn’t 100% in the post. Your followers are still going to be there when you return.

                                                                      S C H E D U L E

That schedule button became my best friend last year, up until then I was writing posts on the day they went up. Now when I have some time to kill and some ideas I think hey, I should get some posts underway on my blog so that when things get hectic again I know I still have posts going up.
If you are also struggling to think of posts you could schedule then why not look for some tags which run each week? Then you have a constant post going out one day of the week on your blog. There are a ton of tag’s out there, be sure to check goodreads for them!

                                                   T H E   S T R U G G L E    F O R    I D E A S

Finding ideas for posts outside of reviews can be really hard, some days the inspiration stick really doesn’t hit you or theirs days you have tons of ideas and then you spend the day with your anxious mind telling you ‘nobody wants to read them’. That’s pretty much how mine goes.
If you are interested in something then post about it, politics – pfft why not. Throw in a discussion section on your blog where you talk about what you are interested in.

A rule I am so guilty of forgetting is – Never forget that your blog is for you, it’s what you like so make it all about you. Don’t get too wrapped up in statistics, you will make yourself crazy comparing yourself to others blogs who may be more successful. Just write posts you would want to read for yourself, readers come I promise. Do this because you love it, when you lose the love that’s when you might want to question is this right for me? Do I need a break?

                                   C O M M U N I C A T E – F E L L O W    B L O G G E R S

If your feeling stressed or just need someone to talk to, then don’t be afraid to message your fellow bloggers perhaps for advice or even just a chat. Through blogging I’ve met (online of course) some wonderful girls who are located all over the world, girls who have helped me with my anxiety, blogging worries and girls who have been there just to have a lovely chat to. Bloggers don’t bite, I promise. We reign in the vampire and leave that for Cullens. ( Bad book joke?)

Here are some of the girls who have wonderful inspiring blogs you should 100% follow. Be sure to check them out:

Fadwa –

Lauren –

Marie –

Gretchen –

Catia –

N O     T I M E

This one links up to scheduling, frankly being in third year now I am really having trouble to find the time to read. I study English Literature so I do read but I never really post about the books on my course, right now I’m doing a-lot of Shakespeare. I read the texts I need to for that week, then the secondary sources I need to on top of that whilst trying to do my assignments and my research for my dissertation. Frankly I’ve felt like I’ve been drowning for a while under the work load.
I’ve had to learn to push away the guilt for not reading a book I really want to, one I want to review or talk about because it’s not healthy to bog myself down like that.

How can you fix this?
Remember it’s ok to not have time right now, it’s ok to take a break. If you have a spare few minutes here or there just open a word document, write some ideas or start a blog post and work on it day by day. When your studying be sure to take breaks, once you’ve done a certain amount then treat yourself to a chapter of your book!


So there we have it. My little tips for trying to juggle a busy schedule. Let me know in the comments if your guilty for feeling any of the emotions I mention in my post or if there are any further tips you would give perhaps to a new blogger struggling?
 Be sure to let me know if this helps you!


14 thoughts on “Bloggers tips on how I juggle university, work and my blog.

  1. This is such a wonderful post, and oh how I recognize myself in these feelings you just described. I too often feel guilty because I am late on my blogging schedule – like at the moment, haha, or when I don’t have time to check out my fellow bloggers’ blogs. I feel like I’m not being a “good” part of the community when I am not doing that, and…well, let’s just say I hate that feeling haha. Thank you for the wonderful advice, it’s always good to remember that we are allowed to take a breath and a break once in a while 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Marie! That feeling of not being a “good” member of the community really is horrible, because then sometimes it eats at you until you drop what you actually need to do and go on and do just that so then you get the study guilt or something else to replace it. It’s rather a vicious circle.
      Like I mention in the top we need to make sure to forgive ourselves, not being able to do look at other peoples blogs, reply to comments so fast or even post is ok 🙂 Life is stressful!
      It sure is ok to take a break!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And it’s probably also interesting for other people! Maybe they also want to read something about the topic you’re studying. You could also mention if the book is suitable for people who just want to read it because they’re interested in the topic, or if it really is a book that should be used in a classroom (for example).

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome post! When I first started I thought it was gonna be piece of cake as well hahaha little did I know that blogging is actually time consuming 😛 I personally started blogging on my final year of uni but I agree, we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves because the truth is if we don’t post for a week or don’t reply to comment immediately, no one would notice that much 😛 also I learned to prioritize because no matter how much I love my blog, work is 999 times more important hehe I also found that scheduling and drafting posts in advance really help!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you sam! It definitely is, you just always have to remember to give yourself time to relax. University and work are priority over blogging obviously because their going to be your income and life but blogging is supposed to be fun so give yourself breaks 🙂 enjoy it! x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Forgiving myself has been the hardest thing to do since becoming a blogger. I try really hard to be a perfectionist and get everything done at once. Sometimes that back fires on me because I get too overwhelmed. Thanks for the tips! I’ll definitely be trying them out!

    Liked by 1 person

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